Save the date : The EcoTrail de Paris® and the Eiffel Tower Vertical® will take place on March 16th-19th, 2017

On the programme for 2017 : trail running races (80 km, 45 km, 30 km 18 km) but the also the now famous stair race of the Eiffel Tower.

Come and visit the natural path of the parisian region.

Registration open from July, 5th 2016

HERE for the trail running races 80 km, 45 km, le 30 km, 18 km

HERE for the pre-registration of the Eiffel Tower Vertical.

The Eiffel Tower Vertical® will welcome 128 runners (100 in 2016) ; one participant per year of existence of the Eiffel Tower which will be 128 years old in 2017


Its philosophy :

The desire to offer great iconic cities and their surroundings

A TRUE ECO-RESPONSIBLE, CLOSE TO NATURE RACE ACCESSIBLE TO ALL, highlighting THE CULTURAL AND NATURAL CHARACTER of the region with RESPECT of the NATURE and PROMOTION of TRAIL RUNNING. The Proof that mass events can also be ECO-RESPONSIBLE & VERY FRIENDLY and that the city can be an appropriate place for trail running.

EcoTrail® fundamentals

- An universal and commited event ;

- A eco-responsible event ;

- A promotion of sport activity ;

- An invitation to discover the territory ;

- Event for every one (competition and initiation)

A concept duplicated abroad

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A word from the organizer : focus on Jean-Charles PERRIN, CEO of EcoTrail® Organisation

Why did you come to create the event?

We were taking part in Trail racing and although we trained close to home in the Hauts de Seine, we had to go elsewhere to participate in cross-country races, as none existed in Paris and its suburbs. The EcoTrail Paris Ile-de-France ® project might have sounded crazy, but fed by our desire to offer a real Nature race, close to Paris, we traced out the courses along where we trained daily, courses exploiting the many woods, forests, parks, highlighting the often unsung natural and cultural heritage.

Why Paris ?

Even though we were organizing a Trail in the Ile de France, we did not think about involving Paris and its 2 million inhabitants. The city is world famous and is the capital of the French country. To offer Parisians a cross-country race was an idea all the more interesting as no one imagined it possible to organise 90% Nature courses with a Finish in the city. Word of mouth did the rest.

Why the Eiffel Tower?

From the moment the decision had been made to organise a cross-country race, we were thinking about a Finish in Paris and we dreamed without thinking too much about it of siting this at the Eiffel Tower. Indeed what could be more iconic than the most famous building in the world? We tried our luck, presented our project, accepted the specifications of the Eiffel Tower and finally managed to turn our dream into a reality.Why this diversification of courses (NW, Hike, Trail…)?

Why this diversification of courses (Nordic walk, Hike, Trail…) ?

The concept of the EcoTrail rests on a principle of universality. If we had approached the project with just one proposal of 80km, which was a niche market in 2008 (and who else besides a little), we would not have managed to convince decision makers of the relevance of our project . Furthermore it was also a way to offer a mass event by proposing different events but without the danger of undermining the ecosystem along the courses. By opening the EcoTrail to walkers and hikers we had the potential to reach a wider audience while keeping trails on a human scale. We do not regret it if our bringing together specific groups different enough from each other has imposed a certain number of communication constraints.

Why the Verticale ?

Although The Verticale took place in 2015, Jean-Charles had been already thinking about it for several years. The Verticale falls within the principle of making the event while keeping differentiating attributes of a standard Trail. Given our territory, it was not very realistic to think of setting aside a day for one vertical kilometre to the event program as exists on a lot of other events. With the Verticale this became possible and has made the event unique in the world. Originally I wrote the concept for the account of the SETE who wanted to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Tour in 2009, but for many reasons the project did not take place. Thanks to our close collaboration with the teams of SETE, we offered them, once their renovation work on the 1st level was completed, to relaunch the project by integrating it into the EcoTrail programme. The agreement had been rapidly found in that it was a win-win situation. Realistically, its a mad project which has only been made possible between the teams of the Eiffel Tower and the EcoTrail Organisation. We are really proud of this success.

Pour plus d'informations :

North Communication - 01 45 45 61 23

Amandine Faye –

Verticale de la Tour Eiffel® - Fabien Sommer–

EcoTrail de Paris® - Marine Guilleminot -

About EcoTrail Paris®

Créé en 2008, l’EcoTrail Paris® est une course nature écoresponsable accessible à tous les pratiquants. Elle met en valeur le milieu naturel et culturel francilien en s’inscrivant au coeur des préoccupations du respect de l’environnement. L’événement propose une offre variée de trails, longues et courtes distances, mais également des marches nordiques et randonnées. L’EcoTrail Paris® est depuis 2021 le premier évènement sportif du dispositif Sport Planète élaboré par MAIF.
Site internet :
Facebook : @EcoTrailParis

Created in 2008, EcoTrail Paris is an eco-responsible nature race accessible to all runners. It highlights the natural and cultural environment of the parisian region by being at the heart of environmental concerns. The event offers a variety of long and short distance trails, but also Nordic walking and hiking. Since 2021, EcoTrail Paris is the first sporting event of the "Sport Planète" Program.

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